Monday, December 29, 2014

Search my heart O' Lord!

Dear Father a lot has happened since my last entry as we are now at the end of 2014. Reading the entries was a great reminder of Who are you are and your faithfulness. I have certainly been caught by surprise many times since July. I still hold on to the hope you have given to me, but my faith has "with a doubt" been challenged time and again.

I took a break from writing and reading my entries tonight they are challenging me to pick it up again. If it is only for a while, they will be there for me to read later, like I did tonight. My other blog is WorshipWithoutEnd which I will no longer continue as this one is more recent.

I still suffer on a daily basis, but I am making headway with things that I am taking.

Veganzyme: It has the enzyme I am missing with Fabry. At first my BM's were too soft and I had fun accidents every other day to put it mildly. But in that same breath I was happy to "not go" six days with constipation--causing headaches etc... from too many toxins in the system.

Iron: It was found that I was anemic just over a year ago, so to counteract the soft BM's I decided to take two pills a day instead of one. Well today I had two well formed BM's and am thrilled to say the least. It is also giving me more strength when walking.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: I am still trying to find a brand and dosage that works the best, but not taking anything showed just how important taking something is for my neuropathy .

Thytrophin PMG: three a day seems to work the best for my thyroid.

Cell Food: the verdict is still out on this one. I am hoping to achieve more energy, but have only been taking for a couple weeks and expect it to take longer before seeing clear results.

Lord I long for you to search my heart and use the Holy Spirit to inspire me to write beyond head knowledge and write from my heart instead.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, my name is Shane. My wife Karen and I serve with New Tribes Mission - currently at the Canadian training center, formerly on Java. I graduated from Philadelphia Biblical University (now Cairn University). I have Fabry, diagnosed in 2007 just when we went back to Indonesia for our second term. I've been on ERT since May, 2012. Just attended the National Fabry Conference in Halifax two weekends ago. Wondering if you are still on that Veganzyme. I've never heard of it.
